Jorum and Evah Mugari

Missionaries To Zimbabwe

Jorum and Evah Mugari are Zimbabwean nationals who serve as International MTW Associates in their home country. Zimbabwe is extremely economically challenged. Its unemployment rate is 95%. Missionary support raising in this environment is tremendously difficult, especially since reformed Christians are a small minority and churches so affiliated struggle to even pay their pastors a modest amount. Hence, the need for the Mugaris to raise the majority of their support in the US.

--Jorum serves a critical role in developing theological training for existing and future leaders for the Presbytery of Bulawayo—helping to develop future church planters and leaders. . He is also expected to play a crucial role in expanding the work in Zimbabwe beyond Bulawayo.
--Evah is already a proven women’s leader. Missionary status/support will generate even more opportunities to develop this ministry further.
--MTW will have missionary representation again in a key ministry in Southern Africa, serving as an important gateway to resourcing this field.

Jorum is from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and attended Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Evah grew up in Bulawayo also and attended Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Jorum and Evah married in 2001. They met while doing ministry with Scripture Union in Bulawayo. The Mugaris are blessed with two children Roseanne (2003) and Adrian (2005). After Jorum’s M.Div., with the Theological College of Zimbabwe and an Honors degree in Missiology, the couple moved to Massachusetts in 2007 where Jorum furthered his studies in biblical theology. After Jorum had obtained an MA in New Testament, MA in the Old Testament and MTH in biblical theology the couple moved to Northern Ireland in 2010. From 2010 to 2016 Evah attained a BA in Theology with Queen’s University and Union College. At that same period Jorum consolidated his Old Testament studies with a THM from Queen’s University and Belfast Bible College and received an MPhil., from Queen’s University and Union College.
In 2016 the Mugaris returned to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe to pursue God’s call for the training of the vast needs of church leaders and the discipling of the church in South Africa. Their burden is expressed through a vision that seeks to equip church leaders through Church Based Discipleship initiatives and lecturing at formal theological colleges like the Theological College of Zimbabwe, Mukhanyo Theological Seminary education by correspondence and the African Reformed Seminary in Uganda. Apart from lecturing at TCZ, Evah coordinates the women’s ministry of the Presbytery of Bulawayo. The Mugaris’ ministry focus is Church Discipleship through Church Based Discipleship initiatives and theological education.

Or checks can be sent to: MTW, P.O. Box 744165, Atlanta, GA 30374-4165 - MEMO: “Mugari P-0592