Hi Ladies!
I hope you are having a wonderful Monday and had a great weekend! I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday and studying the Word of God. There are many great things going on at Alpine Chapel, so please scan through this email to be in the know!
To prepare for session 6 of our 1 Samuel study, read the Scripture highlighted below, watch the RightNow Media video, and complete the study questions that are attached. Just a reminder that we will start promptly at 11 am in order for us to complete the entire study. Let’s all meet 15-20 min. early, grab a coffee, catch up, and be ready to start on time! Thank you!
***Please bring your own printed copy of the study guide to Bible Study***
Weekly Bible Study: Book of 1 Samuel by Sharon Hoddee Miller on RightNow Media
*If you do not have a free account with RightNow Media, please reach out and I will send an invite to you.
Down in the Well from 11-12:30 pm MST
For those who can’t attend, join us via ZOOM. Please message me if you plan on jumping on zoom, so I know to connect. Text me at 682-557-5388 no later than Tuesday evening to confirm. Thank you!
Meeting ID: 810 2015 0574
Passcode: 194015
1 Samuel Weekly Reading Plan
We won’t be able to study every verse of 1 Samuel during the ten sessions of this study. The above reading plan is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the entirety of the book, so you can dig deeper into God’s Word. Feel free to complete the weekly readings at a pace that makes the most sense to you. We will read portions of the designated reading plan in our time together. The Scripture that we will discuss in Bible Study is bolded next to the Session Link.
Session 1: 8/7, 1 Sam. 1-3 Session 4: 8/28, 1 Sam. 12-13 Session 7: 9/18, 1 Sam. 19-21
Session 2: 8/14, 1 Sam. 4-7 Session 5: 9/4, 1 Sam. 14-16 Session 8: 9/25, 1 Sam. 22-24
Session 3: 8/21, 1 Sam. 8-11 Session 6: 9/11, 1 Sam. 17-18 Session 9: 10/2, 1 Sam. 25-27
Session 10: 10/9, 1 Sam. 28-31
RightNow Media Video Link: Session 7 (1 Samuel 13:1-15:35)
Pastor Jeff’s Sermon (9/15): Ephesians 6
Session 8 is attached for those who want to get a jump start on the following week.
Lunch After Bible
Mark your calendar for our next ladies lunch scheduled for Wednesday, October 2!
Ladies Night Out: Thursday, September 19
LNO will be hosted by Cheryl Houseal THIS Thursday from 6-8 pm at her home in Aldasoro. She will provide lasagna, garlic bread, wine, and other drinks. Please bring your favorite side or dessert to share.
Address: 116 Aguirre Rd, Aldasoro Ranch, Telluride Co 81435
Take Airport Road to Aguirre Rd and take a right.
Pass the barns on the left and Wald Pond on the right.
Go to the end of the road and keep going right until you see a long driveway. Park anywhere on the driveway.
They are the last home on Aguirre Road, looking down at the pond.
*Our socials are always scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of every month, so mark your calendar! If you would like to host our October or November (Friendsgiving) gathering, please let me know!
Young Life Fundraiser
Wow! What a fun evening was had at the Hewitt’s home to raise money for YoungLife on Friday!! Thank you, Brad and Sue, for hosting and providing quite the spread! Conor expressed his goals for YoungLife as the number of kids are growing! He would like to increase the yearly budget which would include bringing Jonah Davidson on full-time. He is also praying about a van to use to transport kids to different events or simply getting them to church on Sundays.
It was reported to me yesterday that the fundraiser was a huge success, and a matching grant has been offered!
From the day of the Hewitt fundraising event on 9/13/2024 through Dec 31st, 2026, our foundation will match up to $45,000 in new dollars committed from existing funders over and above their current commitment or any new funding from first-time program funders in a dollar-for-dollar 1-to-1 ratio. We pray this financial gift and the efforts it allows glorify God by bringing many new teenagers into a new relationship with Jesus Christ.
If you would like to financially support YoungLife – Telluride, please see the attached flyer. If you have any questions about giving, please contact Carl Carter who handles the accounting for Young Life – Telluride. carl@cthresources.com
Thank you for your consideration in helping grow the funds for YL. However, please continue to pray for the kids that come to Alpine Chapel, our leaders, and open hearts to accept Jesus!
New Book Study beginning Sunday, Sept. 15
We hope you will join us for our new book study beginning September 15th! For the next 7 weeks, we will be reading and discussing Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. We will begin this study on discipleship at 10:30 am following the next 7 Sunday sermons. We hope you will join us for as many of those weeks as you can.
Amazon Link to Purchase the Book: https://a.co/d/eezPQ9J
Weekly Reading Schedule: Please read before you come on Sunday
Week 1, 9/15: Apprentice to Jesus
Week 2, 9/22: Goal #1: Be with Jesus
Week 3, 9/29: Goal #2: Become like Him
Week 4, 10/6: Goal #3: Do as He did
Week 5, 10/13: How? A Rule of Life
Week 6, 10/20: Take up your cross
Week 7, 10/27: Recap and Summary
Adopt-a-Liftie Program
The Alpine Chapel is looking for families who want to participate in an Adopt-a-Liftie program this winter starting in December. The commitment would be to try to host a liftie, or a small group of lifties, for dinner at least once a month. We will have training later in the fall, but we would love to know what families are interested. Email jfox@thealpinechapel.com to sign up or for more information.
Prayer Requests
If you are in need of prayers, we want to pray for you! Submit your request/s to prayer@thealpinechapel.com. We are committed and honored to lift your requests up to the Lord. You are also welcome to send me a direct message via email or text.
I hope to see so many of you this Wednesday. My time with you studying the Word of God fills my cup! We have such an amazing, wisdom-filled, godly group of women and I am so thankful for all of you! Please let me know if you need some extra prayers. I would love to pray for you!
Cheerfully in Christ,