Telluride Alpine Chapel Women's Ministry

All women are welcome to join as we study God’s Word together. The ladies meet every Wednesday, 11:00am-12:30pm (Please see this month’s calendar, in case this happens to be a Wednesday where the Bible Study has been canceled).

Julie Compton
Mon, Jan 20, 6:31 PM (11 hours ago)
to Julie,, jon

Hi Ladies!

I hope you are having a wonderful day and staying warm! It is quite a cold day here in the mountains, but so beautiful. We had a great LNO at Sheryl’s home this past Thursday. Thank you to all who were able to join in. We hope that more of you can attend our next LNO scheduled for Thursday, February 20. If you are willing to open your home to host in February, please let me know. Also, this Friday is Friday Feast! If you have not come to a FF, I hope you have the opportunity to join us. It is quite the sight to see and such a cool event to be a part of. 65-75 lifties pile into The Well stacking food up on their plate, huge smiles spread across their faces as they eat a homemade meal, and conversation and laughter fill the room. It is a joy-filled time as we serve these lift-opts with love. Just as Pastor Jeff preached on this weekend, I am reminded of the words spoken by Jesus about serving in John 13:12b-17

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are right, because that’s what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.”

You will be blessed when you serve at a Friday Feast.

Lastly, we hope you can join us for our Friday Funday in Ouray on the 31st. We will shop around, have lunch, and soak in the hot springs. I am so excited about this time together and hope many of you can come. Please let me know if you plan on attending, so we can coordinate carpooling and caravaning to Ouray.

I hope you have a great rest of your week and find a daily time to soak in the presence of Jesus. I got away from my quiet time when the holidays hit. I am so thankful to get back to my quiet time with Him. I know schedules and our busyness can get the best of us, but I encourage you to be intentional in your time with Him. It will be the best spent time in your day…as I remind myself of this truth also!

Please glance through this email as there have been some great opportunities added. Also, I have attached our yearly calendar.

I hope you can come Wednesday for Bible Study. It’s always such a special time together. Much love to you all!

Cheerfully in Christ, Julie

Wednesday Bible Study Down in the Well from 11-12:30 pm MST

For those who can’t attend, join us via ZOOM. Please message me if you plan on jumping on zoom, so I know to connect. Text me at 682-557-5388 no later than Tuesday evening to confirm. Thank you!

Meeting ID: 810 2015 0574
Passcode: 194015

January Women’s Bible Study Schedule

*Wednesday, 1/22: Discuss the Sunday sermon. Bring your notes if you have any. 😊

*Wednesday, 1/29: Begin our new study.

1.19.25 Sermon: The Upper Room

Lunch After Bible Study

Our next ladies lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5.

Ladies Night Out: Thursday, February 20

Our next Ladies Night Out is scheduled for Thursday, February 20 from 5:30-7:30 pm. If you would like to host, please reach out and let me know. 😊

*Our socials are always scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of every month, so mark your calendar! If you would like to host a LNO in 2025, let me know which month works for you!

Ladies Hang Out Day at the Ouray Hot Springs

Mark your calendar for Friday, January 31 for lunch, shopping, and the hot springs in Ouray! We will meet in Ouray at 10:30 am in front of Rockin’ P Ranch. We will shop around and have lunch at 12:00 pm at Gold Belt Bar and Grill. After lunch, we will head over to the Ouray Hot Springs (1:30-3:30 ish). If your schedule allows and you can join in on this fun, please let me know. We can carpool and/or caravan in. I’m excited about this girl’s day with you and hope you can join us!

Alpine Chapel Service Times

Sundays 9 am, childcare provided for ages 0-5 years

Sundays 10:30 am, childcare is NOT provided at this time

Friday Feast

When: Friday, January 24th from 5-7 pm.

Where: The Well at The Alpine Chapel.

Why: We will offer food and fellowship for approximately 65-70 seasonal Telski lifties and Gondola Operators. It is also a great way to express God’s love for them!

What can you do: We are in need of bakers and Blue Grouse Bread. Please check signup genius link below to see where you can help out. Thank you for your willingness to help!

Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Pruett @

Ladies Women’s Ministry Hosts Friday Feast on Friday, February 7

Calling all ladies in the ministry! We get the fun opportunity to host the Friday Feast on 2.7. It is Super Bowl weekend; as well as Valentines the following week, so we will be planning a "Souper/Salad" meal and decorate in a Valentines theme. Please be in prayer about where you could serve and how you could help make this a wonderful time. Here are a few things that I know we will need that you can begin thinking about:

Decorate The Well in a Valentine’s Theme (set up crew)

Bring a crockpot with your favorite soup to share

Bring your favorite salad to share

Bring a fancy dessert. We will have a contest on who brings the “best dessert” and announce the winner.

Tear down crew

Debbie Pruett will be sending out an email with a sign up genius. Thank you for your willingness to help and serve these lifties!

Triads This Winter

We want to encourage you to pursue Discipleship with others this season through Triads.

The goal of the Triads is to meet 4-6 times through the season to intentionally grow spiritually with a few others in close proximity! You can meet how and when it suits your triad, even online. If you have already been in a Triad, you can reconvene or start a new triad. If you start a new one, use the Story Resource below to guide your first few meetings. We think telling our stories to one another in this framework is one of the best ways to grow together. After you have told your stories, use the questions on Joshua to guide your time together. You can join/start a triad by pulling together some people you know or by emailing Jeff Fox at

Click here to learn more:

Alpine Chapel on Social Media

Are you following Alpine Chapel on Instagram or Facebook? If not, follow us to be in the know!

Prayer Requests

If you are in need of prayers, we want to pray for you! Submit your request/s to We are committed and honored to lift your requests up to the Lord. You are also welcome to send me a direct message via email or text.

Julie Compton 682.557.5388 or